Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Can a Folding Step Stool be a Safe Kitchen Step Stool?

Folding step stools are popular for use as a kitchen step stool because they store very easily. The folding step stool makes sense to use in your kitchen because the number one problem inside homes today is storage space. The problem with folding step stools is that they usually don’t hold very much weight and they tend to slide easily on slick floors. It’s as if the folding step stools are designed as a children’s step stool not for an adult to use in a kitchen.

What makes a folding step stool safe?

The very first thing to look for on any step stool, whether it is a folding step stool or not, is a load rating. The industry standard for an adult step stool load rating is 500 pounds. Big companies will not allow their employees to use a step stool without the 500 pound load rating because they are trying to reduce injuries and promote a safe work place. You should consider this when shopping for a safe step stool to use in your home. The next thing you want to look for is non-slip pads on the legs or the bottom of the folding step stool. Make sure that the rubber non-slip pads are large enough to keep the step stool from sliding. If the step stool has legs make sure the rubber pads won’t get holes worn in them from the legs. Some step stool manufacturers only put a thin rubber pad that won’t do anything to keep the step stool from sliding on a slick floor so make sure the pads are thick.

Before you buy a folding step stool for your kitchen do this one thing to make sure it is a safe step stool. Take it out of it’s box or package, place it on the floor of the store (preferably a smooth concrete floor or linoleum) and with one foot on the step stool and one foot on the floor, push the step stool on the top corner. If the step stool slides easily in the store, the step stool will slide on your kitchen floor. This should be a clear signal to NOT buy this kitchen step stool.

David C. DuPont has been finding solutions to step stool problems for 9 years. He has helped people solve their problems by helping them find bathroom step stools, kitchen step stools, wooden step stools, kids step stools, plastic step stools and step stools for senior citizens. To see his step stools or to contact him to find a stepstool for you, go to

CLICK HERE to order Shure-Steps

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